Clent Parish Hall,
Church Avenue
A talk by Derek Clarke of the National Trust
Some of us remember the old ‘back to back’ houses, built literally back-to-back around a communal courtyard. Constructed from the 1840s onwards to house the growing population of workers in Birmingham and the Black Country, many survived into the 1970s.
Thanks to the National Trust, one court has survived in Birmingham and at the next meeting of Clent History Society, on Thursday 27 October, Derek Clarke of the Trust will describe how the court was saved and the history of the houses and the lives of the people who crammed into them to live and work. We look forward to experiencing an atmospheric glimpse into the lives of the ordinary people who helped make Birmingham an extraordinary city.
The meeting will be held at 8 pm in Clent Parish Hall, Church Avenue, admission is £2.50, including refreshments, and everyone is most welcome to join us.