Come and join us for a series of fun and informative talks over 2022. Join us at Clent Parish Hall. The doors will be open from 7 pm ready for an 8pm start to our meeting. Entrance fee is £2.50 – includes refreshment. If you would like to take up membership (or to renew existing membership) we ask £5 per annum per person.
Thursday 17 th March
Our speaker is Nigel Brazier, a local Clent Lad. His talk , ‘All Bar the Sqael.’ (not a spelling mistake. A bit of Black Country speak that translates as Squeal !) Nigel will share his family stories with us, four generations of his family running a Black Country Cook Shop. Bound to be some right tales in there!!
Thursday 19th May
On Thursday 19th May we will be welcoming Simon Briercliffe with his talk on The Black Country Living Museum. It will be especially interesting to hear news from Simon of the latest developments at the museum as we have a trip planned for members (and guests) to the museum in June. Further details of the trip will be given at our meetings.
Simon also has a ten minute video talk on ‘The Irish Language in the Black Country.’ which can be accessed through the BALH – British Association Local History website. Well worth a look at what the BALH have to offer.
Looking on to the later half of the year we have something for those of us with a sweet tooth.
Thursday 15th September
On Thursday 15th September , Robert Booth will present an illustrated talk reflecting on life in the village of Bournville. The Sweet Life in Bournville.
Thursday 17th November
On Thursday 17th November we have Andrew Lound coming to tell us about Earnest Shackleton ‘s abortive attempt to cross Antarctica resulting in the most remarkable survival story in history.