By pam, on January 9th, 2024%
The following is an extract from an unpublished book – Six Poor Boys– written by the late Joyce Coley; a well respected teacher and local historian. In this book Joyce explores many aspects of Clent village life from the 1700s to the 1940s.
Wednesday 2ed January 2024 and it is raining again . . . → Read More: Raining Again.
By pam, on November 11th, 2020%
 In the grip of COVID-19, John Amplett relates how Clent coped with a previous pandemic; The Plague, and we read what advice the ‘Sanitary Committee of the County Council of Worcestershire’ had to say about Cholera in 1892 . . . → Read More: Hard Times – Historic experiences of Pandemic in Clent: Plague and Cholera
By pam, on August 5th, 2020%
Here we are – August 4th 2020 – the day is cool and cloudy. It’s a quiet day on Adams Hill. The car park has spaces for any would be walkers who want to venture up this way. I’m not certain about the local pubs. They have their outdoor seating areas, tables and chairs . . . → Read More: Clent History Now
By pam, on February 1st, 2019%
 A long-read article on the history of Clents many Pubs, past and present. . . . → Read More: Pubs of Clent
By pam, on March 22nd, 2017%
At this time of year when we start to think longingly of spring and become impatient to reach that lovely moment when we move our clocks forward one hour and happily step into those wonderfully long light days of spring and summer; let us take another look at our ‘Out of Time Tale once again.
This true story appeared . . . → Read More: An Out of Time Tale
By pam, on January 21st, 2017%
 Episode 61 of the popular BBC TV series Homes under the Hammer, shown earlier this month, has created a steady wave of interest within and around the Clent area. The programme follows the progress of selected properties which are offered for sale around the country. Viewers live through the dramas of the auction room, sharing prospective . . . → Read More: ‘QUAINT CLENT HOME UNDER THE HAMMER’
By pam, on February 4th, 2014%
 The Mount as it stands today
As 2014 begins The Mount has shed it’s sadly vacant look , having stood empty for the last three years. After so much wet weather the main building was beginning to look very sorry for itself. Fortunately any further dilapidation has been halted by . . . → Read More: The Mount – Happy Memories
By pam, on May 9th, 2013%
From The Archives
Parish Magazine July 2007
John Partington.
The Gatehouse was situated in what is now Woodman Lane, by The Heywood Gallery, opposite to the now vanished Derricks Lane which led into Violet Lane. In 1611 the court rolls recorded that John Sparry of the Gatehouse was fined for non-attendance at the . . . → Read More: An Echo from the Past – The Gatehouse
By pam, on May 9th, 2013%
The following Extracts from The Court Rolls, were published in The Parish Magazine July 2007, as part of Clent History Society’s founding Chairman, Mr John Partington’s series ‘From the Archives’
Clearly there were some ‘ Clent gents’ who had their own ideas about dealing with disputes regardless of the law. For some individuals the sourcing . . . → Read More: Law and Order in Clent during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1.
By pam, on January 18th, 2013%
During the History Day, held in Nov 2012 one of our visitors spoke fondly of holidays she had spent in Clent as a child. She remembered the chalets in the Clatterbach area opposite the Vine Inn and thought she might also have seen ‘an old railway carriage, somewhere over Walton Hill.’ …….. We thought . . . → Read More: Catch the last coach from Clent