History All Around Us – A talk by Paul Timmins

History is all around us just waiting for us to open our eyes and see it. Most of us need a little help in knowing just where to look and a few clues as to what exactly we are looking at. This is where a bit of expert and enthusiastic help is handy. When the subject is Clent we are lucky to have such help close by.  Step forward Paul Timmins, Chairman of Clent History Society and take a bow.

On September 9th 2019  Paul presented the second of his talks on Clent. The first talk went down so well that his audience were very keen that he should prepare a follow up talk. Paul’s talk was well researched and beautifully illustrated with pictures from our archive and also many photos he had taken himself over a period of years, photos documenting changes in the village and surrounding area.  The sometimes hidden milestone on the Bromsgrove Road; the Ranger’s Cottage high on the hill which had family connections for him; now almost lost in vegetation again, though the National Trust did carry out some archaeological work there in recent years. It was a fascinating talk.

“If only history lessons at school had been as interesting as that instead of so much going on about kings and queens.” was one remark passed on to me.

Perhaps we’ll give Paul a break before pestering him for Part 3.

If you missed the talk you could try contacting the society and persuading Paul to visit your group …..


Next Talk –       (Another not to miss)      Oct0ber 17th. Julian Hunt    –     The Shenstones. 

Julian is a speaker much in demand and we look forward to this visit from him and to learning more about the Shenstone family who lived at The Leasowes in Halesowen during the 1700s. The Leasowes today is an attractive town park to have a walk around, featuring some of the original landscape features which William Shenstone included in his designs for the family estate.

William the son of Thomas Shenstone and Ann Penn (daughter of William Penn of Harborough Hall, Blakedown- formerly Hagley.) – was much admired for his beautiful landscaping ideas but was mostly known as a poet. Robert Burns spoke well of his verse- Shenstone’s fame had travelled far. 

The hall is open at 7.30pm ready for the meeting to start at 8pm.  Entry is £2.50 non  members. & £2 for members.    Free to young people.  Price includes refreshments afterwards.

Julian’s talk will be preceded by a very, very short AGM.(Not so short as to stop you putting yourself forward as a member of the Clent History Society Committee. It may lead on to new interests as yet undiscovered. Don’t be shy. Let us know if you would like to join the team – )


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