Our newsletter, highlighting meetings and trips, has already been posted out to members. Joining the society entitles members to advance notice of all our events and also the chance to book up early for our very popular trips .
We open this year’s programme with a talk , on Thursday 22 March – Tilton: Francis Brett Young’s Quinton – given by Michael Hall, Chairman of The Francis Brett Young Society.
Brett Young(1884-1954)was born in Halesowen and became well known as a writer. ‘Like many authors he used the places he knew as backdrop to his stories only changing the names as in the case of Quinton – Tilton. When reading My Brother Jonathan, it soon becomes clear that Penn Beacon is Clent Hill and Uffdown is Walton Hill.
As Brett Young’s work reflected the changing times in which he lived Michael Hall’s talk is sure to lead us in some interesting directions.