17th Aug – Volunteer’s Wanted! For research into 1830’s Poor Law

Would you like to research poverty and the lives of the poor in mid-nineteenth century Midlands?

Have you got a few hours to spare each week?

Then why not join the British Association for Local History’s new project to open up the Poor Law Union correspondence held at The National Archives at Kew

. . . → Read More: 17th Aug – Volunteer’s Wanted! For research into 1830’s Poor Law

24th March – “From Clent to Tonga” The Life of John Thomas

Respected society member Dr. Peter Bloore introduces the work of John Thomas, a Clent resident sent to Tonga where he performed missionary work for over thirty years. . . . → Read More: 24th March – “From Clent to Tonga” The Life of John Thomas

Diary of Events for 2011

A list of planned events for 2011 . . . → Read More: Diary of Events for 2011

CHS emerge from past. Gets website

Clent History Society have joined the digital age with their very own website. Be sure to check back frequently for new updates. . . . → Read More: CHS emerge from past. Gets website