16th November – History and Archive Open Day

Clent History Society will have flags flying  to welcome you to Clent Parish Hall, on Sunday 16th November, whilst inside we will be ‘hotting up‘ the water ready for your cups of coffee and tea and we’ll have the biscuits standing by. You’ll need something to keep your sugar levels up should you decide to spend the day with us or even if you’ve just popped in out of the cold to see what’s going on.

What is going on?

Sunday 16th November  will see us holding our 13th History and Archive Open Day. This popular event is held every two years and is open to everyone from – 11am until 4pm

(Admission adults: £2/ under-16s: Free)

This is an excellent opportunity to look through our archives and to enjoy a wander round our displays .  It may be that you have something new to add to our knowledge of Clent history; we are always glad to discover new things. Perhaps we can offer direction in your own local history research. Do ask us.

Our book stall will be open offering you a chance to browse  and to buy books and newsletters published by the society so you can enjoy learning more about Clent’s History at home – Need a present idea or a treat  for yourself ? !

In 2014 we are remembering the First World War with a special exhibition relating to the part played by villagers in that world-changing conflict.

It would be lovely to see you on that day or at a future meeting.

Find us  at         Clent Parish Hall, Church Ave, Clent, DY9 9QT



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