HISTORY OPEN DAY – Sunday 20th Nov 2016

Our 14th HISTORY OPEN DAY is a date for your diary. Come along and enjoy a wander around our displays. Browse through archive materials. As well as old favourites there will be new material on display. We will be  paying tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, in the year of her 90th birthday. The day offers a good chance to stock up with our books and other publications – great if you are new to the village or, if you have lived here-abouts for a while, this is a good chance to check out what you have been missing.

We are learning new things all the time – hot news George Orwell had a bit of a wander through Clent! What did he think about the place? Come along and find out.  If you would like to share your own Clent knowledge, memories, memorabilia, we are happy to have this opportunity to meet up with you. We invite everyone to help keep our local history alive.

There will be tea, coffee  and biscuits to keep you going.

Location: Clent Parish Hall

Admission: £2. Children free.

Open 11am- 4pm.


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